Parents » HIB Information

HIB Information

New Jersey has been a leader in the establishment of a strong statutory, regulatory policy and program framework to support the prevention, remediation and reporting of HIB in schools.  Provided below are information and resources to aid schools in the establishment of HIB policies, the adoption of HIB program strategies, the implementation of proactive responses to HIB and the adoption of effective HIB reporting procedures.


Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR)

Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act-2012 Amendments

Information on the 2022 Amendments to the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights
(Including Model Policy on Prohibiting HIB and HIB Reporting Forms.)


HIB Reporting Link


HIB Reporting Form (Printable)


Self Assessment Report Score 23-24

Anti-Bullying Coordinator

Dr. William Jacoutot

[email protected]

Anti-Bullying Specialist

Ms. Kristen Kinsella

[email protected]

Anti-Bullying Specialist

Ms. Erin Smith

[email protected]